Your day is designed so that you can benefit from all the years of my experience.
I will be with you throughout the day, from setting up in the morning, to riding on track for all the available sessions and in the garage in between.
Once the bikes are prepared, we will sit down to discuss what you hope to achieve and explain the process of the day.
The first session is the opportunity to assess your riding. In each session, your coach will follow or lead you, providing demonstration on track.
The coaching bike will be fitted with front and rear cameras. After each session the footage is reviewed during the debrief.
We focus on what you do well as well as areas for improvement. Step by step, we present you with solutions, showing you what you will be working on next, and crucially, “how” so you can effectively apply what you are shown.
You will then have a specific plan for the following session. This process continues throughout the day.
At the end of our day, you can save all footage to take away with you for future reference.
This service is similar to the 'on track' coaching, the method is the same, however we observe your riding from around the circuit instead of riding on track with you.
We use your on board video footage during the debrief between sessions. This service is offered on any available track day, and for racers leading up to or during an event.
NSF client Rob Hartog, won the 2018 European Supersport Championship using this coaching service.